A normal shaped Baseball cap usually in red with the phrase “Make America Great Again” sewn into its cap.

These hats first came about as a political  merchandise for Donald J. Trump’s 2016 political campaign and since has been known as a sign of support for Trump’s politics and presidency.


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MAGA hats are the most definite sign of the Donald Trump supporters. the term MAGA is an abbreviation of Donald Trumps 2016 official campaign slogan “Make America great again”. according to political historians, this phrase had been around in American political rhetoric for at least 80 years and presidential candidates such as Ronald Reagan in 1980 and Bill Clinton in 1992 has used this phrase in their political advertisements as a part as of their campaign for presidency.

Ever since the coinage of this slogan for Donald Trump’s campaign, it has been a source of controversy in American society. Hence wearing a MAGA hats has been understood as a political statement, and a potential source of confrontation, specially in places were the liberal mindset is more prevalent.


As mentioned before, the MAGA hat has been known as a sign of political divide in American  society, but their most important function is to be sign of solidarity between Trump supporters and their devotion to their cause.

in this manner, MAGA hats are used in accordance with one of the most historic and dominant function of hats.


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